Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Moxie 2,3,4

On another note! I lurk blogs all the time and when I find one I really like.....rare, I keep going back. Well, Ms. Moksie whom is not an expert on children/babies sure has some good advice. She explains how babies tend to sleep in a 2,3,4 pattern. After they wake in the morning, they tend to go to sleep 2 hours after that. Upon waking from that morning nap, they will go down for another nap in 3 hours and then 4 hours after awaking from that nap in which they are down for the night. Joshua never followed that pattern with my husband. Don't get me wrong, my husband is VERY good with him, but many times did not pick up on Josh's cues. Today with me he followed that pattern to a T! Check Moksie out if you have time. http://moxie.blogs.com/askmoxie/

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