Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Much to do about nothing?

I knew the holiday season would bring less time online. There are days I just don't remember this blog. And then there are others, like tonight, that I'm at work catching up on emails and such. No catching babies as of yet tonight and we actually sent someone home.
I keep forgetting also to bring my external drive so that I can upload pics. I just can't do it at home. Joshua's sleep patterns have changed and so has mine. I used to get half way decent sleep and now it's become absolutlely awful. Can't seem to get enough it seems.

Things have been, well, stressful again. Hubby and I are fighting alot and at times I honestly can't stand to even look at him. Scenario, my brother invited me roller skating with him. Hubby had the nerve to state that between the two of us, HE "deserved" to do something or go out more than me. Ok, in comes the park ape that I hide in my back pocket and pull out when needed. I think I blacked out for a minute actually and then the park ape took over the rest of the ghetto behavior I exhibited that night. He obviously forgot the story of the overworked African American mother story. After realizing the big mistake in verbalizing such idiotic statements as mentioned, he apologizes. What brought about his vomiting of the mouth? The fact that he is from Pittsburgh and has no friends in New Jersey. Ok, I can understand that, but that isn't my fault. My husband is not a very social guy on first meeting. He's withdrawn and almost antisocial. He doesn't think so but it's been proven a few times and several occassions upon meeting new friends and family. Is it the job of a wife to find friends for her husband? I don't know. I'll have to pray on it.

So that's marriage update. As far as my big boy Joshie, he's become the great debater. I tell him to do something and I get baby babble at top speed with tonation and fluctuations of notes in incomprehensible speech. I love it! It's the cutest thing to hear but frustrating because he doesn't listen. Until today, I asked him to hand Mama the bottle and he did it. Probably because it was empty....hahaha. And oh yeah, no walking yet. He pulls up to standing from the middle of the floor without holding onto anything. He climbs the stairs and anything he can get onto at knee height. He dances and claps on the bed, yes the wobbly bed but will not walk!

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