For the last three weeks I've been without a properly functioning computer. Hubby decided to download some so-called 'free' software/graphics program and of course nothing is free on the internet. You think he'd have learned by now that the world wide web can be a bad place. So, with this lovely free download came a big nasty virus. My PC has slowed to a crawl and the virus has taken over to the point that I can't even get into my control panel to add/remove programs. I've run anti-virus scans, spyware scans you name it....nada. As we speak, my tower sits in the foyer awaiting a trip to Geek Squad. I'm worried that they'll tell me it's not worth repairing. I'll pray they won't and I'll have it back within a week. Unfortunately the blog is last on my list of priorities. Hopefully I can get back 'online' soon. For now all my correspondences are coming live from work. And depending on the night and how busy, not at all. Peace.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
No compooooter, compoooter gone. MURDERATION!
For the last three weeks I've been without a properly functioning computer. Hubby decided to download some so-called 'free' software/graphics program and of course nothing is free on the internet. You think he'd have learned by now that the world wide web can be a bad place. So, with this lovely free download came a big nasty virus. My PC has slowed to a crawl and the virus has taken over to the point that I can't even get into my control panel to add/remove programs. I've run anti-virus scans, spyware scans you name it....nada. As we speak, my tower sits in the foyer awaiting a trip to Geek Squad. I'm worried that they'll tell me it's not worth repairing. I'll pray they won't and I'll have it back within a week. Unfortunately the blog is last on my list of priorities. Hopefully I can get back 'online' soon. For now all my correspondences are coming live from work. And depending on the night and how busy, not at all. Peace.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Walk like an egyptian.....
Other plans on the homefront, Christmas shopping! I've put a small dent in it. Maybe around 15% of what I need done. Haven't shopped for my own kid, but got my niece and this weekend, my nephew will be done. I love to knit so part of her gift is a furry scarf in a hot pink that I know she'll LOVE. For hubby, I have no clue what to do. He could use a lot of things but I want to get him something he wants as opposed to what he needs. Joshua is easy, two toys for Christmas morning and maybe two or three packages to 'rip' open. It doesn't really matter what's in them cause it's the rippping part he loves.
Right now we've got freezing rain and a wintry mix going on. It supposed to accumulate and continue on until 11pm tonight....YUCK! I really hate the snow and the cold. But, this is where the family is and until things change, being close to them will make me brave the horrible winters, for now.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Much to do about nothing?
I keep forgetting also to bring my external drive so that I can upload pics. I just can't do it at home. Joshua's sleep patterns have changed and so has mine. I used to get half way decent sleep and now it's become absolutlely awful. Can't seem to get enough it seems.
Things have been, well, stressful again. Hubby and I are fighting alot and at times I honestly can't stand to even look at him. Scenario, my brother invited me roller skating with him. Hubby had the nerve to state that between the two of us, HE "deserved" to do something or go out more than me. Ok, in comes the park ape that I hide in my back pocket and pull out when needed. I think I blacked out for a minute actually and then the park ape took over the rest of the ghetto behavior I exhibited that night. He obviously forgot the story of the overworked African American mother story. After realizing the big mistake in verbalizing such idiotic statements as mentioned, he apologizes. What brought about his vomiting of the mouth? The fact that he is from Pittsburgh and has no friends in New Jersey. Ok, I can understand that, but that isn't my fault. My husband is not a very social guy on first meeting. He's withdrawn and almost antisocial. He doesn't think so but it's been proven a few times and several occassions upon meeting new friends and family. Is it the job of a wife to find friends for her husband? I don't know. I'll have to pray on it.
So that's marriage update. As far as my big boy Joshie, he's become the great debater. I tell him to do something and I get baby babble at top speed with tonation and fluctuations of notes in incomprehensible speech. I love it! It's the cutest thing to hear but frustrating because he doesn't listen. Until today, I asked him to hand Mama the bottle and he did it. Probably because it was empty....hahaha. And oh yeah, no walking yet. He pulls up to standing from the middle of the floor without holding onto anything. He climbs the stairs and anything he can get onto at knee height. He dances and claps on the bed, yes the wobbly bed but will not walk!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A Rite of Passage....
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Eye can't see!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
MMR and Autism
(picture:PopPop and Grandma Woods)
So Joshie had his one year check up and vaccination. For the longest time I contemplated forgoing or nixing the MMR shot. With all the hype regarding it's possible link to Autism, of course I was afraid. But, I had to put aside the media hype and do my own research in addition to discussing it in depth with his pediatrician. Well, I found that here in New Jersey the incidence of Autism is higher than any other state. We all know the air quality in Jersey isn't the greatest and cancer incidence is also high in this area. But I found that diagnosis is very tedious and also involves many other factors despite the MMR shot. Joshua's doc starts early (at around 6 months) with her testing for Autism. Joshua passes with every visit with flying colors. "He is alert and bright" in her own words "and his attention towards me proves he's not autisitc". Autistic children tend to be in their own world, will not acknowledge a stranger and if they do will tend to focus on the mouth rather than the eyes when someone speaks (a cardinal sign). Check out the links for more symptoms and great info. As a registered nurse in L&D we adhere to many of the NICHD standards so I trust their info greatly. So my baby is doing wonderful and I thank the Lord above for that. He also tolerated the vaccination with not even a hint of temperature fluctuation ( I expected a mild fever and irritability). So there, as a mother you do what's best for your kid.
On the other side, myself, I've been awful. I've been battling this eye infection/conjunctivitis since his birthday. Used anitbiotic drops for a week and it's not gone yet. It seems to be aggitated by my work environment. It's very dry and the air vents probably haven't been cleaned in years (yes people, this is a hospital okay!). I really need to make an appointment with an internal medicine doc to get a full physical and all that good stuff. So, baby good, Mama bad. And oh yeah, Master Woods is starting to stand without holding on to anything for a long period of time. He even gets bold and will rock and dance but not one step yet.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Settling down
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Birthday Joshua!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Teeth attacks
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Security Breach
Friday, September 28, 2007
Soggy DooWop
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Doing Better
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
BRATY not working
Monday, September 17, 2007
Ohhh diarrhea
Okay now, it started on Thursday. I thought nothing of it because all of the mucous he swallowed being sick the last few weeks has to go somewhere right? Well, it hasn't let up and only got worst and stinkier. He has some skin breakdown on his butt and the 'taint' area (slang for 'taint the balls, taint the butt' area on boys). My husband craps up when I say taint. Anyhoo, I've been applying generous amounts of Beaudroux butt paste and Balmex and he's on the BRATY diet. If I get no improvement by tomorrow am then it's back to the pediatrician. It could be a yeast infection from his immune system being compromised. I always urge my hubby to use utmost cleanliness when changing him and washing his hands after coming in from outside/work etc. Guess this was bound to happen.
I have to say, he has been sleeping better. I think if it weren't for the sickness he's been experiencing that he'd sleep better and possibly straight through the night. He slept until 4am this morning and woke up screeching, not screaming cause his diaper was filled with loose poop and urine. I felt so bad and all I could do is give many kisses and 'Mama so sorry'.
On another note, I just downloaded some great new music on Itunes. Of course Jill Scott was the top of my list and second the new Prince album. It's amazing how these two artists bring out the creativity in myself and always speaks to my heart and emotions. Jill and Prince have out done themselves AGAIN! Somehow they make the stress, the bills, the property taxes and mortgage, the diarrhea, the weight, all go away for a little while. I know it sounds silly, but the simple things in life make me happy sometimes. Another thing, the arrival of fall/autumn used to depress me cause I'm such a summer person. I thrive from the sun's warmth. But since the birth of Joshua, it reminds me of my last weeks of pregnancy. The smell of the crisp air, the changing leaves all in anticipation of my first baby. I welcome it now and it warms my heart like the summer sun does and sends tingles to my stomach. My baby is going to be one year old. WOW. Thank you for this Lord and I'm sorry I don't speak to you as often as I should.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Sleep wonderful sleep
Monday, September 10, 2007
Jazz Baby
I posted these pics the other day in hopes of getting a chance to type an entry but it never happened. Well here I am days later finally doing it.
Joshua had his second jazz festival experience this past weekend at the cd101.9 Liberty Jazz Festival and it was hotter than Hades! I think the temp with the humidity reached at least 94. And of course I was post-12 hour shift and hadn't slept since the day before. But anyway, this child loves his music. If he wasn't cooing and humming to the music he was rocking and trying to snap those fat little fingers to the beat. We had a lovely two days in Jersey City State Park with a backside (literally) view of the the lovely green lady (Statue of Liberty). At sundown her torch lights and the back drop of the NYC skyline is gorgeous. I still miss the site of the twin towers overseeing the city. I get misty cause the skyline just doesn't seem right without it. I thank God all my family in New York that lives or works there survived 9/11 and I pray that the Lord gives the families who lost, the strength to go on.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thank You Lord
Friday, August 31, 2007
10 months today
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My husband knows nothing...(peppa vent)
Too many days I've felt like, like, like MultiTask Wooooman! I've got gatchets, pda, cell phone, coffee maker, wipes warmer and diaper dispenser all on my trusty belt. At night I shut down and become SEXY MILF Woooman! Sidebar: I've always hated the term MILF, it's not cute at all but in this entry I use it as such. But I'd never want to be called that by anyone! But you get the picture. And some nights I'm CryoMom, I sleep through baby cries, hubby snores and cat-capades (we have a cat that has spastic rantings from time to time, running and seemingly jumping off the walls to exert her energy) because if I don't I'll have a heart attack and die from exhaustion.
But Joe, my spouse, partner, love sometimes misses the point. So I yell it. Nuff said.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
What's in the milk man?
I'll have to keep investigating before I finally decide to take him back to the pediatrician.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
It's Our Anniversary
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Mama's Food
Slowly Josh is getting away from his baby food. Unfortunately he wants to be but isn't quite ready for table food. He hasn't mastered the chew up and then swallow concept. Oh, he's ready and willing to eat the good stuff. But, at times will swallow only after two gnaws which is not nearly enough breakdown. It's getting more and more difficult at feeding times. The crying persists and we can't figure it out. The pediatrician recommended that we strap him into the high chair securely and remove the table, thinking he feels restrained. Not working. He still wants to get out of the chair and refuses to eat proper in or out. I have to say that he does get one good hardy meal in a day which makes me feel a little better.
On another subject, this boy is moving and shaking progressively more every day. In addition to a lil' more pep in his crawl, his confidence with standing and pivoting while holding on to something is improving. He'll even let go of one hand. When he realizes that he himself has done something new and big, he'll glance at me and grin the biggest gum-toothed grin. I can only grab him and kiss him up good when he does cute.
And as for the birthday planning, I'm making the invited myself. I love crafts and anything involving handmade items so this is relaxation for me. If I haven't mentioned it in previous posts, it's a pirate paaaarrrrty...arrr arrr arrr. We already have the suit. Yes you read right.
Now for me, off to bed this beautiful sunny morning. Sigh, night shift sucks but it's the sacrifice you make right now.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
New Tooth, Tantrums and Crying spells persist
His pediatrician appointment last week Wednesday was good. Joshua is now 21 pounds and about 29 1/2 inches long. She claims he is in the 75th percentile for children his age. I would have automatically thought he was up in at least the 90th. Josh is a big baby, so the thought of babies bigger than him.....God bless their parents! But, due to his length, we had to purchase a new car seat. Ended up buying the Britax. Although very expensive, the reviews on every web site and parent guide point right back to it. It's either get a cheap and marginally safe car seat and end up buying a new one in a few months due to weight restrictions or buy the Britax which will carry him all the way to 65 lbs. So we bit the bullet and went with the best. Only the best for my boy.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
They say it's my BIRTHDAY!!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Why won't he eat for me?!
I don't understand. This baby will not eat for his Mama. He will eat well for my husband at least for lunch and dinner, but for me he won't eat a decent meal. He cries for the bottle and of course I give up and give it to him. Joshua literally cries like he's in pain or I'm beating him. He turns away from the spoon and will sometimes smack it! I've poked him accidentally in the eye twice with a food laden spoon, trying to get him to eat. I pray this is a phase that will end soon. So I make a bottle smoothie....yogurt, cereal and fruit and mix it with formula. He sucks it down and I feel confident that he at least got a balanced meal that way.
On another note, he and I have recreated our bond. At times we just stare at each other and smile. He'll lay some wet kisses on me and it does a mother's heart good. I feel no matter how stressed I am with life, all is good when I look at my baby.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Moxie 2,3,4
Trials, tribulations, torential rains....
But new problems have arisen. I have no idea why this boy puts up a fuss at meal times. Even when he's hungry, there is always a cry, a moan or some kind of fuss. I don't understand. This never happened before. The last month or two, getting him to just eat is a chore. Then he cries for his bottle as if taking food by mouth causes him pain. Ok he is teething and has two teeth on the bottom that have come to head but this is ridiculous. When I eat, he loves to eat my food. Even after he's had a meal and a botttle he'll fight me to get to my food. I really need guidance here on getting him to eat better. Now he eats a lil' better for Joe. But it still consists of whines and cries. This is a short synopsis of how mealtime goes down.
- Into the high chair.......fuss and whine
- Put on the bib.....cries louder and starts to break tears.
- We hurriedly open jars of food and dip spoon in.
- Spoon to mouth and a few spoons later...more cries.
- Halfway through the meal, writhing around in highchair, thrashing back and forth, refusing to take anymore food, red-faced, crying like I'm beating him (neighbors probably think I am).
- I give up and start to make a bottle cause forcing food down his throat between gasps is just beyond what make heart can take.
And this is how it goes. Another thing, if both of us are in the kitchen when the meal starts..he's distracted and won't eat. He will start to cry for the other 'non-feeding' parent. I mean this is too much. I wish I could read this kids mind. Heeeeelp!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Crawling already
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Morning rush
Monday, July 09, 2007
The Fight for S...L..E...E...P!
Yes, at 8 months the boy still gets up at night. Last night I stopped counting after three times. For whatever reason, the nights I am at home (cause I work nights) his sleep pattern sucks. I asked Joe to lower the crib mattress at it's lowest point because he's pulling up on things and standing. The last thing I want is to hear a thud in the night cause the boy tried to climb out of his crib to get to us. So he does it and what happens early this morning? We hear crying, Joe gets up to get him and he's standing up holding onto the side of the crib looking around. YIKES!
Anyhoo, I usually come home around 8am and ask my same questions, "how'd he sleep?, " how'd he eat?", "did he get a bath?", "was he in his crib all night?" Usually three out of four yeses are good but when I'm home..the baby acts out. Maybe he misses his Mama and just wants to sleep with me? I don't know, but he also eats horribly. I'm starting to get jealous of the fact that he's more cooperative for my husband. But of course, he spends more time with him since he's been home....expected. He still cries for me and tries to crawl to me if I'm in the next room.
On another note, I'm exhausted, all the time. I really need to make an appointment for an internal medicine physician and just have an overall checkup. I just don't feel good. I'm a clean freak by nature and the thought of cleaning house and making an attempt at doing it is impossible. I attribute it to extra weight I have yet to lose from the pregnancy (let's say 40 pounds okay). And the fact that I work un-Godly hours...night shift. It just isn't natural especially for me. But I'm doing it right now because it works for our family. When Joe gets another job we'll go right back to our usually schedule. So switching to a day position would not make sense to do. I don't know. I ordered some DVD's for this new craze called Zumba. I love to dance so dancing to get fit only seems like the best way to lose weight, have fun and not loathe working out. We will see how great this new Zumba thing is.....salsa, merengue, cha cha while getting in shape.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
It's been a long time...shouldn't have left you...
But this is what I left you for. I love journaling but nothing takes the place of my son. He's 8 months now and a force to be reckoned with. This is the happiest most social baby. Everyone seems to think so and fall in love with him automatically.
I've been busy! Sorry. Not like I have any readers. This blog is more for my own venting and if I happen to get someone to read my ranting,...then fine. I do more reading myself of other blogs...a few on my side bar if interested.
But back to Joshua. Born on Halloween 2006, 5 min. before midnight. He was determined to be a Halloween baby. And Lord knows I couldn't hold back the pushing...I wanted this boy out! My Mom threatened him with a spanking if he didn't get out! Well, 16 hours of labor and my precious lil' man was here. It's all a blur now and I'm ready for another baby. Yeah...that's right. But my plan of having a girl two years apart from Joshua may have to wait. The thought of two in diapers, scary. Not only that, with Joe not working and looking for a new job, money is tight. I can't do it by myself and overtime is wearing me down. If I had a choice I wouldn't work at all. Who'dve thunk, two degrees under my belt, Ms. " I can do it myself" wanting to be a stay at home Mom. YUP!! A little being that looks like you can change your whole perspective on life. I'm trying to create a world that if I die, my child will be safe in. SIGH....deep.