For the last three weeks I've been without a properly functioning computer. Hubby decided to download some so-called 'free' software/graphics program and of course nothing is free on the internet. You think he'd have learned by now that the world wide web can be a bad place. So, with this lovely free download came a big nasty virus. My PC has slowed to a crawl and the virus has taken over to the point that I can't even get into my control panel to add/remove programs. I've run anti-virus scans, spyware scans you name it....nada. As we speak, my tower sits in the foyer awaiting a trip to Geek Squad. I'm worried that they'll tell me it's not worth repairing. I'll pray they won't and I'll have it back within a week. Unfortunately the blog is last on my list of priorities. Hopefully I can get back 'online' soon. For now all my correspondences are coming live from work. And depending on the night and how busy, not at all. Peace.