As you can see from the title I'm quite happy today. For the past week Joshua has been eating like a champ. Yes, you heard it hear first. We've made it throught the storm. I still can't tell you what was going on with his appetite. I do have to say that for the past week he has had the worst cold ever. Symptoms: runny and slimy gook from the nose, drooling profusely, coughing-but with productive tones to it and no fever. I've been giving him Infant Tylenol cold Plus and it's been expectorating the mucous but due to him having no fever I've been hopeful and assured that it isn't an infection. Actually, I've been waiting for the fever so I could make the appointment with the doc...but nothing. His spirits are high and he plays normally so I haven't been overly worried. If it doesn't settle down by this week I'll call her up and take him in for an exam.
On the teething front, he's got another upper central incisor coming through in the front next to the other one. And low and behold it looks like he'll have the diastema or space in front like his Mama. I was hoping he had teeth like his Dada but because he's a boy it'll probably look good on him and be a defining trait. I grew to hate my space and then at times I like it. On my many travels to Jamaica, it's a feature that men there tend to find attractive in a woman. But here in the states it's always ugly and negative. Well, still too early to tell what his permanent teeth will be like, I can only hope he has a better history with the dentist than I did.
We're dealing with some of the same issues over on napisoul (as you already know). Napi's already calling for braces, but I think he'll be fine. Napi and I both have that space, though I'd have to double check just how noticeable it is.
The food is issue is our biggest concern right now. It's like pulling teeth getting the boy to eat. The only consistent thing he'll gobble down appears to be waffles and soy milk. His weight gain has slowed and that's definitely upped the stress level. Hopefully we'll both figure out a way to get these boys to eat. Cyaan have no maaga pickney! He's looking great!!!
Aw, look at the big boy! Girl, he's getting huge!
We've been lucky so far. Ami's not too miserable when he's cutting teeth. Like Joshua, I think Ami will have a small gap between his front teeth. We'll see.
I remember when Ami was sick, the Ped'n told us NOT to use any baby cold medicine. Told us the stuff was dangerous and it shouldn't be on the market; but then again I know other parents whose Ped'ns didn't give them that warning. I guess it all depends on who you go to. It got to a point where I didn't know what was right and wrong anymore. So many different opinions...
'Cyaan have no maaga pickney'..haha you had me laughin on that comment. I know what you mean. We're big people as you can see and a scrawny chile' looks like we're abusing him!
As for the meds Napi, I do what I have to do to ease his pain. I've tried everything and the only thing that works is a little Tylenol or Motrin and the doc says it's ok. I don't know...I'll keep you posted.
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