It's been four years since our marital vows were taken on Sunset Beach in Montego Bay Jamaica. Altogether it's been 7 years together as a couple. I have to say we've had more rough times lately than good. But the best of all is the birth of our little man, our blessing, Joshua Bryce. Somehow no matter what we go through, it all works out in the end. Sometime later rather than sooner but I keep praying for God to guide me. There are aspects in one's life that can't be changed. You decide on what to do about it or just accept things as the way they are. I guess I sound like I'm spitting a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but I know there is someone out there that knows what I'm talking about. Will there be another 7 years? If God discerns it, yes. If we discern it, hell yeah.
Move up the road to Rose Hall and that's pretty much the view Napi and I had at our wedding "photo shoot". You guys look great. Best wishes for many more! 7 years is no small matter!
Thank you guys so much for the well wishes. I also appreciate the scan of my blog. Never intended for it to go by the waste-side but I'm back to working on it. Thanks!
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