Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Morning rush

Two shifts of 12-13 hours in a row and I'm beat. I'm hanging on a string posting this but I'm trying to dedicate myself to this blog. I would love for Joshua to read this someday. The first 7 months of his life he'll have to refer to his baby book. I did keep that up with pics and events, along with "our accounts" via letters to him.

Nursing is a tough job, with little gratitude. I can say that labor and delivery has many rewards though. Last night was quiet, probably due to the ridiculous heat and humidity. But that will catch up to us soon enough. Young mothers never hydrate their bodies enough during the summer. Thhe next thing you know they're crowding our unit with complaints of nausea, vomiting and contractions from dehydration. I rush home every morning to spend my last waking moments playing and kissing up Josh. I do this until I get drowsy and can no longer hold him, then I hit the sack hard. This morning he beat me to the sand man's dust. As I type he lay here in my arms knocked out cold, mouth open. Good way to put him down for his morning nap is to play a mix of "kiddie" songs I compiled on my iPod. He rocks and dancing until he begins to nod off. He loves his music. I play everything from Disney and reggae to gospel and jazz. He loves the hamster song, as well as ANYTHING from the Backyardigans. I love them myself. And the thought that a sistah created that show tickles me and makes me proud....great show.

Well I'm going to lay him and I down! And what a nice day to sleep, nice and gray outside, 60% chance of thunderstorms. What do I care how bad the weather is while I sleep, as long as it's sunny when I wake...hahaha. Rain makes for deep and rejuvenating rest.

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