Yes, at 8 months the boy still gets up at night. Last night I stopped counting after three times. For whatever reason, the nights I am at home (cause I work nights) his sleep pattern sucks. I asked Joe to lower the crib mattress at it's lowest point because he's pulling up on things and standing. The last thing I want is to hear a thud in the night cause the boy tried to climb out of his crib to get to us. So he does it and what happens early this morning? We hear crying, Joe gets up to get him and he's standing up holding onto the side of the crib looking around. YIKES!
Anyhoo, I usually come home around 8am and ask my same questions, "how'd he sleep?, " how'd he eat?", "did he get a bath?", "was he in his crib all night?" Usually three out of four yeses are good but when I'm home..the baby acts out. Maybe he misses his Mama and just wants to sleep with me? I don't know, but he also eats horribly. I'm starting to get jealous of the fact that he's more cooperative for my husband. But of course, he spends more time with him since he's been home....expected. He still cries for me and tries to crawl to me if I'm in the next room.
On another note, I'm exhausted, all the time. I really need to make an appointment for an internal medicine physician and just have an overall checkup. I just don't feel good. I'm a clean freak by nature and the thought of cleaning house and making an attempt at doing it is impossible. I attribute it to extra weight I have yet to lose from the pregnancy (let's say 40 pounds okay). And the fact that I work un-Godly hours...night shift. It just isn't natural especially for me. But I'm doing it right now because it works for our family. When Joe gets another job we'll go right back to our usually schedule. So switching to a day position would not make sense to do. I don't know. I ordered some DVD's for this new craze called Zumba. I love to dance so dancing to get fit only seems like the best way to lose weight, have fun and not loathe working out. We will see how great this new Zumba thing is.....salsa, merengue, cha cha while getting in shape.